Road Maintenance:
The skill of maintaining different types of existing roads in excellent operating order for optimal traffic flow is known as road maintenance.
Road maintenance is critical to the longevity of roads and highways. Furthermore, it minimizes vehicle fuel consumption and the wear and tear on vehicle tyres.
Importance of Maintenance of different types of roads:
Roads are regarded as critical components for improving communication from one location to another. For greater comfort, it is critical to maintain these communication channels.
The following are some of the reasons why road upkeep is so important:
- At all times, ensure the secure and comfortable movement of persons and goods from one site to another.
- Road maintenance on a regular basis helps to avoid accidents caused by defective and damaged types of roadways.
- Road maintenance is critical to moving traffic safely and smoothly.
- It extends the life of the road.
- Maintaining road user safety and reducing improper traffic movement
- Maintenance of different road components such as pavement, drains, shoulders, side edges, and so on improves service to road users.
Types of Road Maintenance:
- Surface Maintenance
Pavement maintenance and rehabilitation procedures of different types of roads improve the pavement’s riding condition and structural integrity over the course of its design life.
- Highway and roadside drainage maintenance
Depending on the characteristics of the roadside, it must be mowed; cutting, ploughing, or spraying with weed killer must be done.
Plowing must be done in road maintenance if there is a dry grass fire hazard burning. Trimming the road should also be done to improve visibility and increase sight distance. Furthermore, clearing up rubbish that has been tossed or blown along a roadside or wayside area should be considered ordinary activity.
Highway drainage includes keeping ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clean and ready to transport the next flow of water.
- Shoulder Maintenance:
Shoulder maintenance is the type of road maintenance that is dependent on the surface quality of the region where the maintenance and repair is undertaken.
Shoulders must be moved and sometimes bladed down to the level of the highway so that water does not become trapped in the traveled route. Grass must be maintained in good shape. Surface treatments for road shoulders protected by bituminous blankets are the same as for highway surfaces.
- Bridge maintenance:
Bridge Maintenance is basically working on the Exposed Steel Work Repainting. Bridge repair is an important aspect of road maintenance. Exposed steel work must be cleaned with a sandblasting flame or other method before repainting.
Deck joints may extrude or become clogged with debris, necessitating cleaning and resealing. Damage to the guard rail caused by an out-of-control vehicle must be repaired and reinforced.
If the bridge deck becomes rough, it must be resurfaced.
- Traffic Service:
Traffic service is another type of road maintenance. Striping, sign repair, and maintenance are examples of traffic services (particularly needed for repair after stormy weather).